12 Jul
Server Transfer Complete
All accounts have been transferred to the new server. Please verify your site is working. If any problems then contact us. Also the signup system is currently broken. We hope to fix it soon, until then contact us to apply for a new subdomain.
03 Jul
New server transfer in process
UPDATE: Most sites have been transferred to the new server. Some databases did not copy correctly so if your site still has a database error then contact us and we will fix it. Also, if your coppermine gallery has weird “warnings/errors” above your theme then you need to update Coppermine photo gallery to the newest… Continue reading
23 Nov
CryptoPHP hack is infecting fansites, is yours one of them?
UPDATE: So after searching through all our fansites I found 3 that were infected by this new hack. I also accidentally crashed our server and we had a little bit of downtime. I apologize for this but everything is back up and running right now. Due to the sites that got infected our main IP… Continue reading
11 Nov
Our admins now have another domain to use for subdomains – Fansite.Host !
Be sure to be one of the first admins to reserve your celebrity fansite subdomain using our new domain Fansite.Host! Example – yoursitename.fansite.host We now have 11 domains that can be used for subdomains! Also, did you know we can add subdomains for ANY domain we have listed on our Hosted Fansites page. Basically if… Continue reading
13 Sep
Forum added for our admins!
We added a forum for our admins! Check it out and introduce yourself.