POLL: Does your anti-virus software classify JSEcoin as a virus/warning?

[poll id=”4″] Please let us know the full impact that JSEcoin may be causing your website visitors.


POLL: Would you prefer less ads per page or the removal of JSEcoin Mining? Visit our site to register your VOTE!

If Google auto-ads is successful at increasing our ad revenue again we might be able to reduce the ads shown per page or remove the JSEcoin Mining. Please answer this poll so we can better understand our hostee’s preferences. Google Auto-ads can be “aggressive” on some sites while others don’t see very many ads, this… Continue reading


New Ads getting installed for “some” sites

Just a heads up that some sites will now have the new Google Autoads. Google Autoads will automatically put advertisements throughout your webpage. We still only require 1 “adcode” per page, but that “1 adcode” may produceĀ  several ads on your pages. Sadly the days of “1 banner per page” no longer pay for our… Continue reading


Warning – Free accounts that don’t have our ads up will be suspended for 1 week minimum

Warning – If you own your domain or use a free subdomain be sure you always have our ads up. If we discover your site without ads we will suspend your site for a “period of time”. Repeat offenses get worse and can lead to account termination. If you have emailed us for help with… Continue reading


Warning – Don’t lose your free domain due to no adcodes being installed!

Now that we require 20 unique daily visitors to all sites that have a FREE DOMAIN it is VERY important that your site always have our ads up in the correct location. Not having our ads up means your visitors are NOT BEING COUNTED! 10+ sites lost their free domain in August… Some due to… Continue reading
