Transfer Update

The last of the accounts (4 GB and smaller) are being transferred to (subdomains) or (domains) depending on your site. Due to the large amount of accounts under 4GB we are asking for your help. If your site is showing a database error then update your wordpress/coppermine config files to use “localhost” as… Continue reading


Server Migration for

All accounts on the server are in the process of being migrated to our new server – We will send you an email when your site transfer has started. Once complete your config files should be using “localhost” and not “”. If your site loses posts for the last year then please let… Continue reading


Server downtime for accounts on “”

The server “” is currently offline while we work out some issues with an upgrade to Cloud Linux. We hope to have the server up and running soon!


New requirements for earning free domains.

Please be aware that we are needing to be more selective on giving out free domains due to the amount of fansites that request them and never do much with them. You can find details on the Apply page.


Happy New Year

Happy New Year! We will be on vacation for the next week returning on January 20th. Support/Domain requests will be unavailable during this time. Please be patient waiting for a reply during this time!
