Don’t wait to get your fansite transferred! We will do it NOW no waiting!

We are now officially caught up with old transfers and all new transfer requests will take less then 24 hours unless your account is > 100GB. We accept all account sizes larger ones can take up to 48 hours. We have galleries over 250 GB!!!

Our servers are located in Chicago, IL for speedy transfer speeds for everyone. We currently have 2 dedicated servers that we own with TRUE UNLIMITED, no “requests” to increase your space or storage. We allow photos of ANY SIZE. We also have our PHP Memory settings JACKED UP to 200 MB+ on all servers so converting HQ images is no issue with coppermine gallery. Currently we are putting most transfers on our new server “” but we are also putting some on our older server “” – Currently the “free” server has the higher load and the “ido” server has a very low server load. As we figure out what fansites will need the most bandwidth and storage then we will start moving accounts around to balance the load on both servers and make accounts as fast as possible. If we transfer enough accounts we will even add a third/fourth server or get temporary cloud servers for immediate relief if we do run into any issues. Luckily we just added a brand new server with 30TB of space on RAID 60 setup with maxed out RAM to help us acquire all these transfers!!

If you have scripts that are broken or need dependencies installed we can help! In fact we can help fix any themes or anything really! Just contact us for assistance, we respond to all support requests in under 24 hours, usually within 1 hour if I am awake! The only emails we don’t respond to quickly are adoption requests, they are on hold until FSO Fiasco is all settled!

BEST NEWS OF ALL!!! We will now only require 1 ad per page on all fansites starting October 2nd when we negotiate a better deal on our bandwidth speeds! All new transfers only need 1 ad per page (that can be seen without scrolling) to start with! If questions let us know! SOME fansites that are using over 50 GB of storage space will be asked to put up a 2nd non-intrusive “leaderboard ad” on their gallery intermediate page only, this ad will display BELOW the photo but above the “strip”. If questions or concerns then please let us know.